“I didn’t know what I didn’t know”

Matt Rowan, Rowan Food and Biomass Engineering

I would say to anybody who is thinking about joining ActionCOACH Cheltenham, to go ahead and do it.

The biggest takeaway for me was, I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Sometimes you can be a bit too close to your business and not really see the really obvious things. Your coach will point them out to you and you might feel a bit stupid that you hadn’t seen it, but it’s for the good of the business and it really does make a difference in the long run.

My thinking on the business now is night and day from when we first started. I know exactly where we want to get to. I know exactly where we’ve been. And we’ve also got an idea now of how we can get to where we want to get to”.

You can listen to the full interview with Matt here.

“It’s more than coaching, it’s a partnership for success”

Matthew Marshall, Pi Accountancy

ActionCOACH Cheltenham’s one-to-one coaching has been a game-changer for both my business and personal life.

My coach provides insightful, objective feedback and pushes me to step outside my comfort zone, fostering growth in areas I hadn’t previously considered.

The ActionCOACH methodology is not about providing temporary fixes but instilling lifelong skills that have significantly improved my decision-making, strategic planning and leadership abilities.

These changes have led to tangible business growth, including an expanding customer base, increased revenue and a more motivated team.

On a personal level, my business coach has instilled in me a new-found confidence, resulting in less stress and a healthier work-life balance. Looking ahead, I’m excited and optimistic about the future of my business, knowing I have the continuous support of ActionCOACH Cheltenham.

To any business owners seeking transformative growth, I wholeheartedly recommend ActionCOACH Cheltenham – it’s more than coaching, it’s a partnership for success”.

“Billy Smith is fantastic as our coach with ActionCOACH Cheltenham”.

David Knight, The Mortgage Branch

Billy Smith is fantastic as our coach with ActionCOACH Cheltenham.

He is so consistent in our meetings, always provides sage advice, and effectively acts as a non-exec director.

His knowledge of business, and experience in business, is second to none and we have consistently grown as a business since we have been working with him.

Billy is fantastic to work with on a business and personal level. I would recommend anyone to work with him and have him as part of your senior management team”.

Thank you for this 5 Star Google Review David.

“Working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham has been a great move for us”

Simon Terrington, EdCo Latam Consulting

“Working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham has been a great move for us.

Neil has helped us with some strategic advice and tactical input which has helped us see how to manage situations more clearly and work towards our goals in an efficient and effective way.”

Thank you for this Trustist Review Simon.

“I love numbers now and I’ve got a healthy five figure monthly profit.”

Sylwia Latacz, Accolade Support and Care

“Having greater visibility led to clarity in my business.

Hiring a coach has been the best thing I’ve done for my business.

Even though it was uncomfortable at the beginning it had to happen. If I’d done nothing, I would still be in the dark. And actually being in the dark is not as much fun as being in the light!

I’m not afraid of my business anymore. I have so much more clarity and I have realised that it was not just the financial side of running the business, but that I needed to improve the areas of building my team, to be better organised with systems and processes and managing my time.

Step by step, and being held accountable to my business coach, I’m moving my business into a really good place.

I love numbers now and I’ve got a healthy five figure monthly profit.

This actually feels very precious to me. To feel supported and have the confidence to move on in a better direction.

My business feels more stable and secure.

This stability has also had a positive impact on my personal life. Knowing that I can take credit for my success, to say to myself that “I did that” feels really good. I‘ve got peace of mind now.

The business is in a much healthier place. The team are happy, the office structure is more secure and I am feeling very positive about the future.

What would I say to anyone thinking about business coaching?

Just go for it!”

To read the full interview with Sylwia, click here.

“We’re moving into 2024 as the best business that we’ve ever been in 16 years of trading.

James Fyrne, SoGlos

“We could see so many opportunities in the business for development, growth, tweaking or completely changing the way we do things to take our business to the next level.

The pivotal moment for us was thinking about the scalability of the business.

The systems and processes work we’ve done already will save each of our team members up to around about a day a week of their time. This isn’t just about time-saving; it’s about enhancing operational efficacy, allowing the team to focus on quality and innovation, and by extension, driving business growth.

“I honestly wish that we’d had a business coach from day one … having that external support and perspective is absolutely invaluable.”

This external perspective, with support from ActionCOACH Cheltenham, is proving instrumental in not just navigating the current business landscape for SoGlos but also in setting a clear roadmap for them to go ahead with their exciting expansions into new regions.

“I think to anyone thinking about getting a business coach, what I would say in all honesty is do it today. Working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham has focused our attention as business owners on what’s most important to drive us forward.

We’re moving into 2024 as the best business that we’ve ever been in 16 years of trading.

To read the whole of James Fyrne’s candid interview about business coaching, click here.

“The team at ActionCOACH Cheltenham have become supporters, confidants and mentors”

Dan Cannon, North Green Security

“We were unsure what to expect from business coaching but hoped that it would help us understand what structure we needed to put in place to run a successful business and how to make sure that we were adhering to legal requirements. 

Instead, what we have found is that, while making sure we have a firm foundation, the team at ActionCOACH Cheltenham have become supporters, confidants and mentors, making sure that we are taking the time to think about the big picture; encouraging us to take time to focus on ourselves; and providing a voice of accountability to keep us on track”.

The 3 main things we’ve learned through business coaching is the importance of time management and setting tasks, that it’s vital to take time to work on the future development of the business and how much a supportive coach can help keep your feet on the ground and guide you through each new challenge.

We have been able to bounce ideas around and refine them in our meetings, as well as take them away and come up with a plan of how to achieve our goals. 

Rather than simply having an idea of where we want to go or what our goal is, our planning sessions and meetings have helped to break down the ‘how’ and ‘why’ we are taking with each step.

Through this, we’ve been able to find efficiencies and remove the activities that were just draining our time as business owners.

To read the full interview with Dan, click here.

“In the last 6 months our turnover has doubled, we’ve taken on more staff and we are moving to larger premises”.

Dave Oldfield, Blue Sky Signs

“I took the decision to start working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham at a stage in the business where a lot of work was coming in and we had been giving a good service but I wanted to give our growth a supercharge. We needed to create structure, processes and the correct environment to do this. Our business coaching support gave us the tools to go about this with a well-planned and targeted approach. With support and guidance, we have identified new markets and services and laid out plans for the future.

In the last 6 months our turnover has doubled, we’ve taken on more staff and we are moving to larger premises.

Having someone who understands your business and your journey and is just as invested as you in your business, is something that many business owners don’t realise they need.

Most of us, when starting a business are filled with ideas and lists of things to do or achieve and you’re constantly thinking about the business and ways to get more work or sell more. Making time to go through everything with a coach brings many rewards. It’s like having someone organise all the paperwork in your mind and coming back with everything in a neat folder.

I can’t recommend the team at ActionCOACH Cheltenham enough”.

“We are seeing the real benefits of having ActionCOACH Cheltenham working with us”

Simon Rhys-Davies Cotswold Heating Solutions

“Working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham has ultimately bettered my personal understanding of what is involved in running a successful business. Our coaching sessions continue to equip us personally as directors with new and improved skills, which enhance our overall management and business style.

It has taken the day to day ‘guesswork’ away, enabling us to be far more focussed within the business, letting data drive decisions in order to allow the direction of travel the business needs.

Currently in our fifth year of trading, we are seeing the real benefits of having ActionCOACH Cheltenham working with us as we make the transition from actually ‘being the business’, to continually recruiting the right people, and having the right systems and processes in place to enable us as business owners to work more on navigating the business and to give us the time to concentrate on our own quality of life.

As a learned friend once told me “being in business should give you more time” and we are starting to see this as a result”.

“My coaching sessions keep me focussed and driven and as a result my business goals are achieved”

Claire Maddox, Eurolink Connect

“Whatever stage you are in your business there are always new challenges coming at you thick and fast.  Having regular coaching sessions with ActionCOACH Cheltenham has ensured that I am successfully mapping out the next steps and I have shifted seamlessly into working “on” my business, rather than “in” it.  My coaching sessions keep me focussed and driven and as a result my business goals are achieved. 


Not only has the business benefitted but I am enjoying the continual learning and have become a more confident leader too.  I haven’t mastered the full lifestyle balance yet but it is a goal I am still working towards”. 

“You’ll often hear CEOs say that ‘it’s lonely at the top’, but working with someone with day-to-day engagement  helps take the pressure off. ”

Tina Seymour, Hope For Tomorrow

In the two years I have been coached by Billy Smith, there have been some major challenges in the charity sector; but throughout these Billy has been a constant. Having an honest relationship allows us to have honest discussion on any issues. I can’t understate the importance of this as you have to trust to make such a coaching relationship work.

He’s been able to provide clarity and keep me on track. The one-to-one coaching has given me the confidence to know that I am making the correct decisions and it has built my inner confidence.

Being coached by someone who works with several other businesses and is knowledgeable about the state of the economy and business world makes a big difference. You’ll often hear CEOs say that ‘it’s lonely at the top’, but working with someone with day-to-day engagement with other businesses really helps take the pressure off”.

Tina Seymour, CEO, Hope for Tomorrow, Gloucestershire


“Business coaching has completely changed and revolutionised my view on business”

Jared Wilson, Penguin Uniform

Business coaching has completely changed and revolutionised my view on business. I’ve seen a positive growth in a really short space of time and it has raised the ceiling to new heights. I cannot recommend Billy and his team at ActionCOACH Cheltenham enough. If you are a business owner looking for exceptional growth, look no further!

You can hear more from Jared and his experience of business coaching with us on our YouTube Channel here

And read his candid view of business coaching in his interview with SoGlos here.

Here, Jared explains more about his business journey:

When I started working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham in 2021, I was a lone ranger wearing every hat in the business. As it stands today, we’re up to a team of 11 staff — having created job opportunities for local people — and are recruiting for our 12th and 13th team members in September 2023.

From a financial position, we have exceeded all our targets and in the year running 2021 to 2022, we doubled our turnover. We have an impressive growth rate of 182 per cent year on year for January to May 2023 versus 2022. This has seen our staff grow from five to 11 today”.

To read the full interview with Jared, click here.

“I’m now able to step away for a day, or even a holiday, and be confident the business will continue without me”

Sarah Cook, HR People Support 

“Since working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham, my business has grown so much in every aspect.  I’m now able to step away for a day, or even a holiday, and be confident that business will continue without me.

I knew immediately that Billy Smith was the coach for me the first time we met; we just clicked and I’ve never looked back.  Every element of my business has doubled since Billy became that thumb on my shoulder, keeping me accountable for reaching my objectives.  

I feel more in control of my business and its future than ever before and I have comfort knowing that all of my business information is confidential and safe.  I’d recommend ActionCOACH Cheltenham to anyone who wants to grow their bottom line and at the same time have a healthy work life balance!”

Sarah Cook, Managing Director, HR People Support, Cheltenham


“We’re expanding so fast we have taken on 5 new members of staff and recently moved to a bigger premises”

Steve Bowers, SWB Business Solutions

“Billy has been supporting us at SWB Business Solutions with our sales and marketing, growth opportunities, time management, leadership and team development.

As our business coach, he has made a huge difference and positive impact in helping us to reach our business and lifestyle goals. We’re expanding so fast with Billy’s help and advice, that we have taken on 5 new members of staff and recently moved to a bigger premises.”

Steve Bowers, Director, SWB Business Solutions, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

“I can’t recommend Billy Smith and his team enough. There will be room in my business for them always”

Chani Martin, M&M Marketing and Merchandise

“For years now I’ve wondered about employing a business coach. I’ve met several. I’ve joined Facebook groups. Never took the plunge.

This year I’ve invested more into my business and myself than ever. And it’s been the best decision of my life.

If business coaching is something you’ve been thinking about on and off for a while. Stop thinking and start doing!

I can’t recommend Billy Smith and his team enough. There will be room in my business for them always”.

Chani Martin, Managing Director, M&M Marketing and Merchandise, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire

“If you care about your business then you owe it to yourself to have a world-class coach backing you up. Don’t risk everything you have built by going it alone”

Lex Beckett, Squashed Robot

I admit, I always thought I was too clever to need a coach but thankfully I realised that without investing in myself, my business wouldn’t reach its full potential. Billy has offered a new perspective and a sense of clarity I haven’t experienced before, accelerating our growth in an achievable, measured and effective way.

If you care about your business then you owe it to yourself to have a world-class coach backing you up. Don’t risk everything you have built by going it alone.”

Lex Beckett, Creative Director, Squashed Robot, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

“I am likely to be nearly 50% above target for the month”

James Fleming, Brave Human Capital Group

Billy Smith and the team at ActionCOACH Cheltenham have made a tremendous impact on the performance of my business.

Billy has helped me to focus in the right areas, creating clarity for myself and my team. By my second month I was 27% above target and next month I am likely to be nearly 50% above target for the month.

Billy’s advice is clear and based on experience. Not only that it is action-focused with specific insight on what you could do differently to make a positive difference. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Billy

James Fleming, Managing Director, Brave Human Capital Group Limited, Cheltenham , Gloucestershire

“It has helped us no end to achieve a strong year, with the last 2 months being the best we have had in almost 15 years of trading!”

Ellen Roome, The Finance Roome

We have been working with ActionCoach Cheltenham for about a year now and the support and guidance has been fantastic.

Billy Smith’s knowledge, guidance and skills are super. It has helped us no end to achieve a strong year, with the last 2 months being the best we have had in almost 15 years of trading! 

From support with recruitment, to growth plans, to setting goals and smashing them, the support has been excellent! I have been delighted that we chose to work with them”. 

 Ellen Roome, CEO, The Finance Roome, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

They say it’s lonely at the top, but it doesn’t have to be with the support of ActionCOACH Cheltenham”

Jane Baalam, Reward Risk Management Limited

Sometimes when things are tough and life gets in the way, you just need someone who’s got your back and your business in mind.

Working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham, implementing 90 day planning and having Billy’s support, helped me get my focus on my business, remember and use my successes to plan ahead and reminded me that I can do this.

They say it’s lonely at the top, but it doesn’t have to be with the support of ActionCOACH Cheltenham.

Jane Baalam, Director, Reward Risk Management Limited, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

“The workshop helped me create time to spend with family and friends. Billy helped me consider business and personal goals in a very different way”

Jayesh Patel, Just Mortgages

Jayesh is a mortgage professional and protection specialist. He works with clients in Gloucestershire and has been in the financial industry for 30 years.

He brings a wealth of knowledge to his consultations and provides a very personal service. He prides himself in taking away any stress or complications of the mortgage maze and ensuring you have the most suitable mortgage.

Jayesh Patel, Just Mortgages, Gloucestershire