Not sure what business coaching is all about?

Read Our FAQs

How much are your business coaching programmes?


Our Executive Coaching programmes start from £1,495 per month for individual executives and £2,995 per month for executive team coaching.

Our 1:1 coaching programmes for business owners start from £995 per month.

Our Group coaching programmes start from £495 per month.

What is Executive Coaching?


Our Executive Coaching programmes supports an individual or team with a highly-personalised development plan, unique to their areas of strength and targeting any areas for improvement. The focus will lie in developing key leadership skills to promote growth in areas such as strategic thinking, communication, decision making, and self-awareness, all crucial for driving an organisation's success and growth.

What is 1:1 coaching?


Our 1:1 business coaching programmes are designed to help your business grow revenue and profits. These powerful and effective sessions with your coach will support you to reach your business and lifestyle goals. Choose to invest in our powerful 1:1 sessions which offer you the most impressive results and take the first step to running a business which can work without you.

Can you coach more than one staff member?


Yes! We offer this service for a number of clients. Together with your coach we can devise a bespoke coaching programme for your team. So you can choose to receive 1:1 coaching for some staff and group coaching too.

What is group coaching?


We understand that every business is at a different stage and level, that's why we have developed multiple group coaching programmes.

Talk to us about your ambitions for your business and we can decide together the best coaching programme for you.

What areas will you coach me in?


Our "5 Ways" and "6 Steps" are two of the most powerful formulas in the world of business today.

The key areas we will work with you on are:
1. Sales and Finance - the backbone for creating a profitable business and one of the areas you can expect to see spectacular results in .
2. Marketing - we'll work with you to find more prospects for your business and introduce you to some simple, but powerful marketing techniques and strategies to drive up profits.
3. Team Building & Recruitment - we'll support you to find and recruit the best team to support your business goals. You'll have motivated, passionate, loyal and enthusiastic team members to support you in reaching your goals.
4. Systems & Business Development - We will show you the secrets to of having a business "work" - even if you're not there!
5. Mastery & Customer Service - Discover how to deliver your product or service consistently, making it easy for your customers to buy and leaving them feeling delighted with your business. Learn new ways to motivate your current customers to give you referrals and to ensure their repeat business.

Will I have to share confidential business information with my coach?


Yes. On signing up with ActionCOACH Cheltenham we will expect to see and understand your business turnover figures, sales and marketing statistics, management plans and staff information. Our contract together will honour your confidentiality and we are discreet at all times.

What if I don’t know my figures?


Don’t worry. We are business growth experts and that’s what we are here to support you with. If you have a great business which you think can grow and you have an ambitious growth mindset, we’re here for you. Together, we will take a look at your business paperwork and get you started on the road to success.

What can I expect from having a business coach?


You can expect to have someone alongside you, who supports you, mentors you and holds you accountable.

You can also expect to see great results in your business.
Together you and your coach will work on your plans and goals with a clear strategy for how and when you can expect to achieve them.

Those might be financial goals and hitting turnover and profit targets. It could be our support and mentoring to recruit the best team around you. It may be advice on discovering new markets for your business and a sales and marketing strategy to find new clients.

As a leader it may be your own skill set, mastery, ability to lead a team and take your business to the next level. You and your coach will plan for how you want your business to grow. What are your aspirations for the next 90 days, 1 year, 5 years and legacy? You’ll be constantly working towards these business and lifestyle goals.

Business coaching with us is a highly collaborative, supportive and long-term partnership. We will be alongside you all the way.

How soon can I see a difference in my business?


Immediately. We have award-winning strategies for success, techniques and plans which you can start implementing in your business straight away.

Can you guarantee business coaching will work for me?


Yes! We have a 6 month money back guarantee, to get results and that you'll be able to "find our fee" in your business within 6 months of ActionCOACH Cheltenham coaching you or we'll refund you double the difference.
You can be confident of investing in yourself and your business with the reassurance of results or your money back.

How much time do I have to set aside for coaching?


1 hour a week to meet with your coach or join your group coaching session (depending on the programme you’ve signed up for). Outside of those hours, you’ll also be expected to work “on” your business rather than “in" it. To achieve the goals you’ve set out to reach with the support of your coach.

How can you know more than me about my business?


We don’t. Our support is to offer you our expert, independent advice based on our experience and years of achieving exceptional business growth.

The team here at ActionCOACH Cheltenham offer a variety of skills and business acumen which you can benefit from by joining our coaching programmes. To support YOUR business.

What’s it actually like having a business coach?


It should feel like having a new member of your team who's there to listen to you.

A coach is there to support you to reach your business and lifestyle goals. To be alongside you to offer advice and support through challenging times and there to champion you and celebrate your successes.

Don't forget to visit "Our Clients" page too to hear what they say about business coaching with us.

What will my coach NOT do?


They won’t run your business for you. They will be there to hold you accountable to your own goals and aspirations. To offer you our tried and tested techniques and strategies to realise your own ambitions for business growth and success.

What are your 90 Day Planning Events?


Included in your coaching programme fee is an invitation to our quarterly 90 Day Planning Events and lunch.

Held in iconic Cheltenham venues, these 1 day workshops offer our clients the opportunity to meet and network with other ActionCOACH Cheltenham clients, experience new business coaching techniques, learn from guest speakers and plan for your next 90 days.

During the day, your coach will be on hand to support you to complete, implement and action a regular 90 day planning document.

Writing down your goals and plans means that you are 100% more likely to achieve them.

That’s why our coaching clients consistently smash their targets, achieve their financial goals, recruit the best teams and enjoy their new-found lifestyles as a result of successful planning and goal-driven tasks.

What else do you offer?


As well as our intensive 1:1 coaching sessions and group coaching programmes, we support our clients with their sales and marketing strategies, education, learning and financial goal planning.

You can learn new leadership skills, get recruitment advice and build a better team via our DiSC profiling service; analysing personality and behavioural patterns in your workplace.

Can I talk to any of your clients before I sign up with you?


Please do! Feel free to contact any of our clients and ask them about their business coaching experience with us. We’re proud of all our clients and love working with them and we are delighted to share stories of their success with you.

Can I “try before I buy”?


Yes, we’d love you to join one of our gifted coaching programmes.

Feel free to sign up for one of our complimentary sessions. If you enjoy it, see and understand the value ActionCOACH Cheltenham could bring to your business, let’s talk about the best coaching programme for you.

When is the best time to get started?


Right now!
Far too many business owners wait and see .... mistaken in thinking that working harder will make everything better.
There's no time like the present to get started on your dreams and goals. And we are here to support you in reaching those goals.

How do I sign up and pay?


It’s easy. Firstly, let’s decide together which coaching programme would suit you best. Then we’ll arrange a mutually convenient date to start your business coaching. Once you’ve signed up, a monthly invoice will ensure you are on board as one of our valued clients.

More Questions?

If there are any more questions you have regarding ActionCOACH Cheltenham that we have not answered here, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.