Goals and Planning: Why Our Clients Plan 90 Days at a Time

A 90 day planning template

There are many wise sayings about time and how to manage it.

“Time is our most precious resource”, “time is money”, “it’s not about having time – it’s about making time” and “the most important time is now”.

But what if you knew your time could be better spent?

To know that time invested in your business would increase your productivity?

To have the reassurance that your hard work would pay off with success in your business?

Setting Goals

Most business owners work to daily or weekly goals.

Here at ActionCOACH Cheltenham, our clients, together with their coach, set longer term goals around 3-5 years ahead with the ultimate aim of creating a “business which can work without you”.

But how does that work, in reality?

Billy Smith, Managing Director and Senior Business Coach at ActionCOACH Cheltenham explains: “It’s about seeing the bigger picture. To know what you want out of the business in the long term. Then work backwards to set goals and a plan in place to achieve that”.

ActionCOACH Clients are reaping the rewards of this by setting goals and planning 90 days a time:

“Whatever stage you are in your business there are always new challenges coming at you thick and fast.  Having regular coaching sessions with ActionCOACH Cheltenham has ensured that I am successfully mapping out the next steps and I have shifted seamlessly into working “on” my business, rather than “in” it.  My coaching sessions keep me focussed and driven and as a result my business goals are achieved”. 

Says Claire Maddox, Managing Director of Eurolink Connect.

Working To A 90 Day Plan

Research by Harvard Business School has shown that working to a 90 day plan is the best way to achieve better and faster results in your business.


Because 90 days or 3 months is the optimum level of setting realistic goals and achieving them. Any longer and you can become overwhelmed – which could lead to inertia.

90 days is seen as the right amount of time to set goals, focus and remain adaptable to achieve those longer-term goals.

90 Day Planning is also the ActionCOACH way!

Clients of ActionCOACH Cheltenham work with their business coach to set goals and achieve them. Every 90 days.

Seen as the “sweet spot” for planning, our clients work on their 90 day plans and stay aligned with their ambitions. Their motivation remains high because their goals are realistic and achievable.

Billy Smith adds: “The key question to ask yourself when setting your 90 day goals is “where do I really want to be 12 weeks from now? And why is this goal important to me? We know that if a client is emotionally committed to their goal, they are more likely to achieve it.”

Business coaching with ActionCOACH Cheltenham encourages clients to be ambitious but realistic with setting and planning their goals.

Clients define their goals and then work with their coach on the “how”.

How exactly Will I Achieve My Goal?

“The more specific the goal, the more likely you are to achieve it” explains Billy. “Convert your 90 day plans into weekly and daily tasks and you should soon see significant results in your business”.

If you’d like to hear how our clients are setting their goals and working to a 90 day plan, click here to discover more.